Starting over
I have decided to start blogging
again. I don’t even remember the last time I put up a post. But this seems like
a good time to restart something I have always enjoyed. I am aware no one writes
or reads blogs anymore, with twitter and whatsapp being a source of continual
distraction in our already shredded attention spans. But I hope a blog will
help me to put things in perspective and for the time being that should be
Since I have not written in a
while, it will take me some time to get back the flow, but I hope it won’t take
too long. After all, there are few highs like constructing a sentence, conveying
all that you want in that instance and let the reader’s imagination do the rest.
Writing helps one think and god
knows I need to do some thinking.
The last 2-3 years have been anything
but interesting, in the way things have changed for me, and for people I have
known, both in good ways and bad. In many ways, I feel older. Like age is catching
up with me, finally. I see a lot of my contemporaries go through a lot, whereas
a fortunate few have magically managed their lives beautifully. I feel I am finally
becoming more sentient to people’s troubles. I don’t know if this is only a Sunday
evening sentiment that I am experiencing, but I think I have felt like this for
a while, and I can elaborate on such solemn themes in subsequent posts.
It is hard to capture what has
changed, in me and in people I have known, but I will give it a try. Partly,
because I need to make sense of that change, so that it doesn’t continue to
overwhelm me like it has been in the recent past.
I doubt if there is anyone who can
put a hand on his/ her heart and honestly proclaim that life hasn’t surprised
them with its randomness, that wherever they currently are isn’t a surprise for
them. People are struggling with relationships, jobs, finances, health, kids,
attention spans, and macro issues like the climate and traffic and sanity in
general. It can be exhausting and sobering; it can seem like soon one will
disintegrate and fall apart, if one hasn’t already.
Here’s hoping for many more posts
in the coming months.
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