For November

What’s up with the women of this world? Sparking off revolutions and doggedly seeing them through to their obvious logical end. Don’t agree with me? Okay, who triggered off the Egyptian revolution? Asmaa Mahfouz, and that too on Youtube! You can watch her message here. Malala Yousafzai, all of 14 – an age when at least one of my male friends started crossing busy streets – defies the Taliban and goes to school, gets shot in the head, provokes global outrage, and should be back on her feet soon. 

Irom Sharmila, sitting on fast for more than 10 years now, against the draconian AFSPA in Manipur, and her resolve just gets stronger. Who changed the mood at the Bal Thackeray funeral from pandering to the culture of fear and violence to tell-it-like-it-is. Two Mumbai women, who undid the halo around Amitabh Bachchan’s squirm-inducing tweets.     
My blogging habits have become a bit like my charity habits. I am aware of my honest intentions and feel disappointed with myself for not doing more of it. I know it would make me happy, if I do it more often. I have some ideas that I want to write about, just like I have some clothes that I need to give away; clothes that I feel, I might only need in the event of an earthquake. I don’t know why; may be those clothes have a forlorn, earthquakish look about them.

Can you believe it? 2012 is hobbling to a close already. Who is eating up our months? And no one’s questioning it. It’s like entire mankind is suffering from collective, cosmic amnesia and suddenly when we get back to our senses for a little while to blog, August is gone. I mean, where?


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