What ails my blog

Objectively, I find it humbling that friends should want to read my blog. After all what more could one write that has not already been discussed with them over the phone or in person. However, the itch to communicate triumphs over humility and objectivity, prodding me to once again to share my thoughts. As I lie down to decide what to write, the inablity to put a closure to an already wordy preamble threatens to cut short my idea of an interesting read -- something that I aspire to in all my blogs. All writers (blogger is too safe a term) dread being irrelevant or worse still, a bore.

Clever wordplay often hijacks the substance of my blogs. It wouldn't be cruel if I declare that my past two posts have been pretty much mindless rambles. Yes, I notice it and notice also how I refuse to learn from the past. The future of my blog is in jeopardy, and it would survive extinction only if I am able to inject some substance here and now. Apart from the urge to sound stylish continually, there is also the pressing need to be perceived as unprejudiced, liberal and (phew) catering to the prototype of all my potential readers. All in all, writing can be very exhausting process, leaving you heavy in the head. Yet, at the same time it is fulfilling. At all times it is selfish and sometimes dishonest.

I had a small list of topics on which i wanted to blog. But brevity being the soul of wit (somewhere i also read it is the soul of lingerie) I need to be sure that people are interested in reading long tracts of dense text. Brevity of posts is essential for the longevity of a blog.

I swear, rather pledge to come back with a more compelling post next time around. You take care.




  1. Abhishek,

    Perhaps all writers / bloggers would echo your sentiment of 'mindless rambling'. Maybe that is the solution to the 'starting problem'?

    I too find myself caught between brevity and prosaic gushing, between trying to sound unprejudiced and boldly opinionated... ohh the need to present the most perfect image of myself is so tiresome... :-) Why do I care what others think of me??

  2. Want to stop pretending like you really care about the audience and continue ranting? :)

    Enough of writing about writing, just get started.


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